Creepypasta Spin-off Wiki

    H-hello, You probably remember m-me, ha-ha-ha. Well I hope y-you understand ha-ha, that I enjoy what I do. I see it in your puny faces, all of you. I want too ensure that you all GO TO SLEEP!

I would love to rip out your guts and carve a smile in your faces. OOOOOOOHHHHHHH, the blood and the feeling that I get. The blood, blood, blood, BLOOD! ha-ha-ha-ha!

Im the best at what I do, and killing is it. The slash and slash! And I will take that beloved fucking head of yours and rip it off. This is your fair warning you little maggots. I will fuck you up and if i chose you as my next victim then your next. so ssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhh, GO TO SLEEP!
